
Sétáltatások kutya -ban București

Irina | 3 ajánlatok Nyitott

Dear All, I need your help to find a caring person to walk my dog while I'm on vacation. My dog's name is Benji, he used to be a stray dog until I adopted him ~9 years ago, he is ~10 years old now. He has only 3 legs but despite his disability, he has good mobility. He is used with short walks (15-20 min) for daily needs around the house area. Is anybody available for this period: Aug 1st - Aug 17th? Or maybe for Aug 13th - Aug 17th? Thank you upfront!

1 aug. - 17 aug.
: 2 napi sétáltatások száma kutya

! Ne küldj árajánlatot, hogyha NEM vagy elérhető az adott periódusban !