Pet sitter

pet sitteri verificati personal


· 40 years experience

Kisállatszitter vagy Állat szitter, ajánlok -ban București

I am a mother of 2 children and 2 cats: One black and one is a small tiger, gentle one. I love very much pets and also want to share my love for them with others and help other pet owners to go in their vacations as relaxed as possible. I have a 2 sleeping room apartment in a quite quiet area at the Politehnica University campus (Piranha Pub). Most the neighbors have at least one pet (dog or cat). I have pet since i can't remember. I don't recall not having a moment in my life with at least one pet to take care.

Novum Invest Politehnica, Splaiul Independenței, Bucharest, Romania

2 cats

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Monday - Sunday (i work from home)

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