Ofer diferite servicii de pet sitting cum ar fi: vizita la stapani acasa, cazare pentru animalute, mers cu animalutele la veterinar si multe altele😊

pet sitteri verificati personal
pet sitteri verificati personal


· 10 years experience

Pet Sitter or Pet nanny, I offer Boarding dogs, Boarding cats, Dog walking, Visit cats, in Cluj-Napoca

Salut! Sunt Stefi si sunt studenta la medicina veterinara. De mica am iubit animalele si am avut grija de ele. Sunt in anul 4, iar pana acum am facut multe ore de practica in cadrul facultatii, in cabinete veterinare si la ferme. In timpul liber obisnuiesc sa merg la plimbare cu cățelul meu, dar si cu cei a perietenilor mei. Uneori obisnuiesc sa merg si la adapostul de catei din Cluj pentru a le duce mancare. Ma simt foarte bine in preajma animalutelor de toate speciile si din cate am observat si ele se simt foarte bine si relaxate in prezenta mea, lucru ce ma face sa cred ca as fi foarte potrivita pentru job-ul de pet sitting. Stau la o casa cu 2 etaje ce are curte destul de mare, in fata casei este un deal imens si sunt in apropiere de padurea Hoia. Am doua animalute, o pisicuta numita Grați si un catelusa pe nume Sasha. Cele doua se inteleg foarte bine intre ele, sunt obisnuite cu alte animale si dornice de joaca si plimbare. Nr. telefon: EN: Hello! My name is Stefi and I am a student of veterinary medicine. Since I was little, I loved animals and took care of them. I am in my 4th year, and so far I have done many hours of practice at the faculty, in veterinary clinics and on farms. In my free time, I usually go for a walk with my dog, but also with my friends' dogs. Sometimes I also go to the dog shelter in Cluj to bring them food. I feel very good around pets of all species and from what I have observed, they also feel very good and relaxed in my presence, which makes me think that I would be very suitable for the job of pet sitting. I live in a 2-story house with a fairly large yard, there is a huge hill in front of the house and I am near the Hoia forest. I have two pets, a kitten named Grați and a puppy named Sasha. The two get along very well with each other, they are used to other animals and eager to play and walk.

Strada Tăietura Turcului, Cluj-Napoca, România

o pisica si un catel

Pets I can visit:

Cats Dogs Birds Rodents Turtles Fish

Pets I can board:

Cats Dogs Birds Rodents Turtles Fish


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